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Why Community Matters

Earlier this year, the US Surgeon General published a report entitled “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation.” Loneliness has officially become a public health concern! If you’re interested, you can dig into the nitty gritty of the report - but we bring this up to remind you all that research reinforces the fact that human beings are biologically wired to thrive best within community. That means, it's really true when we say you’re not meant to do this on your own!

“Community that gets it” has always been at the heart of who we are and what we do at Adoption Support Alliance. It’s no secret the pandemic prompted an abrupt and unanticipated disruption to the way we live and relate to one another in community. The increase of curbside pickup, food delivery, zoom meetings, and remote work has brought lots of helpful convenience to our lives, but the flipside means we're likely experiencing less in-person interaction as well. So, this month, we are here giving you a gentle nudge to remind you that community matters and we can't build community with YOU. If you’re plugged in, woohoo – keep going! If you’ve been away for a while, we miss your beautiful face and would love to see you again, reach out and say hello! If you’re new and wondering where you fit into our network, welcome!! Send us an email, introduce yourself and let us help you get plugged in.

Ways to Connect…

This fall, we launched several classes and groups including a few new offerings. We're meeting weekly with a great group of families in our Cultivate Connection class as we dig into the neuroscience behind child development and explore parenting strategies to help build attachment and trust. Our Connect & Belong group will launch this Friday in Huntersville (you’re not too late to join!) and includes childcare and dinner. Need we say more? Each week you'll focus on a different topic including: Grief and Loss, Openness in Adoption, Talking about Adoption, and Parenting in Adoption. This 4-part group will be replicable in your own community and can be volunteer led – so please reach out if you want more info on how to bring this to your community! If you're curious about what else we have going on, our social media and website are always great places to stay up to date .

Our Community Partners…

We are so excited to announce ASA has been selected as one of the 2023 recipients of the “Family Stability Grant” from Foundation For The Carolinas. This grant will allow us to offer key classes and groups – such as the Adult Adoptee Group, Adoption 101, Talking to Kids About Adoption – for NO COST to families and participants. We are beyond grateful for the team at FFTC for believing in the work ASA is doing and the importance of providing ongoing education and support to adoptees and their families.

As Adoption Support Alliance continues to dream big, we know that community partners will be key to serving our families well and removing cost barriers to our services. If you're involved in a network or community you think might make a great partner, let us know!

Community Giving...

Our Fall Photo Fundraiser is an event we look forward to every year! We have 8 remaining sessions open that we would love to have filled. Would you consider partnering with us in our work by attending this event? We have an awesome line up of photographers and will have mimosas and goodies on hand as well!

Next month, we’ll be launching Commit To Community as a peer to peer fundraising opportunity for National Adoption Month, focusing specifically on the work we do with adopted children. Stay tuned for more info on how to get involved! Our Summer Camp this year was such a success it inspired us to soft launch a monthly play group for kids between 2nd and 5th grade – and we’re hoping to raise funds to support rolling this out on a broader scale to the community. Reach out if you're interested in leading a team and helping us meet our fundraising goal.

In closing, as we think about community, we wanted to share something overheard at one of our playgroups last week. A child walked in and exclaimed, "I think everyone here is going to be great friends!" to which another child responded, "That's the attitude I am talking about."

Sometimes kids say it best, don't they?? We know it takes time, intentionality, and planning to prioritize community building - but we'll be here ready for you and we feel confident you'll be happy you did!


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