Remember Saturdays when you could sleep in? No alarm. Nowhere to be. Just coffee and a slow morning? Those slow mornings are a distant memory for me. I've traded my slow start for a third cup of coffee and a pancake batter splattered floor. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

This time of year feels like magic. As spring continues to unwrap its glory, our family loves to get outside! Charlotte parks come alive after sleepy winters. So ASA has decided to jump into the action and start our own ASA Park Playdates!
Saturday, April 13, from 9:30 to 11:30 am, we will be hosting our first Park Playdate at Latta Park, right in the heart of Dilworth.
At 9:30 we'll show up ready to play with all of our ASA families who are also looking to get outside and enjoy some fun in the sun! We'll bring snacks and drinks for the kids to enjoy and plan to be there until 11:30.

Is there a park near you that you love? We would love to spread these out all over Charlotte. If you are ever interested in hosting a Park Playdate in your part of town, please email Mary Kulp.
Also, be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook, so that you won't miss any upcoming events from ASA.