Education is a key focus here at ASA and we've intentionally designed our tree
not only to be pretty to look at, but to also tell a story.
Our gift tags include facts and stats about adoption and our ornaments tell a story. ​
Click on each image to learn more.
ASA provides circles of support: community building, classes, connection groups & counseling... encircling families at every stage.
Teens who are adopted are twice as likely to be diagnosed with a behavioral disorder as non-adopted teens.
Adoption is both/and. There is both joy and grief in adoption. It's a swirl of emotions.
All children who are adopted are affected by loss and grief as a result of the adoption process.
Adoption is unique. And, no two adoption journeys are identical.
There are hard emotions in adoption for everyone impacted.
A frequent complaint among adoptive families is the inability to find mental health care professionals who are adoption-competent.
Positive emotions are absolutely a part of the adoption experience.
In North Carolina, 48% of domestic adoptions are private adoptions.