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ASA in Action: Fall Photo Fundraiser

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

Here we are in October!

I find that extremely hard to believe as I still long for cooler weather that the season is supposed to bring!  Regardless of the weather, for the last four years, October has been a busy month at Adoption Support Alliance because every October we host our annual Fall Photo Fundraiser.  For the second time (because they really are lovely hosts), our event this year will be at the Duke Mansion.  It is happening on the afternoon of Sunday, October 20th.  And, if you would like to come, buy tickets today! There are only a few sessions with our talented, professional photographers left! 

The Fall Photo Fundraiser is important to our organization on many levels.  Professional photographers donate their time and talents to capture families.   Families in all forms are welcome- biological families, adoptive families, foster families, extended families, families formed through same-sex relationships.  Through their lenses, our photographers capture images of those we love and those we have committed to, the people we are traveling through life with. Those images are then used as gifts for extended family members, to wish loved ones happy holidays and are displayed proudly in frames in our homes.   The time we spend together at the beautiful Duke Mansion fills our hearts with love for our families (especially if they keep their clothes clean and smile on cue). We hope that families will stick around after their photo session to connect with other families in attendance, enjoy snacks and sweets, sip on a mimosa and encourage and celebrate one another.  Through the event, we strive to continue to build this community that is integral to the mission of ASA. 

In addition to the beauty of the images captured at the event, the financial resources raised (because photographers and local businesses donate time and money and you buy tickets!) is critical to the organization’s ability to be financially sustainable.  We raise approximately 1/5 of our annual budget through the fundraiser.  The money raised allows us to pay for the administration of the organization, pay rent at our office and pay for supplies necessary for the programs we provide.  Adoption Support Alliance does charge for services to adoptive families- but you will find that the amounts we charge families are below what is typical in the field.  We desire to keep costs low because we know that adoption is financially significant for most families. Contributions made through this event allow us to have the resources necessary to function and continue to provide services to support adoptive families through the unique challenges they face in building their forever family.  

To that end, we have a lot of people to thank for making this event a success.  First and foremost, the volunteers who are making this thing happen this year, Molly Mayhoff, our event chair, and Jessica Horton, who leads the photographers.  These two ladies have donated countless hours to this event and we are so very appreciative of them!  

Also, the event would literally not be possible without the time and willingness of our talented photographers.   They do not get paid for this event, which allows the amount you pay for tickets to go directly towards the organization. 

Finally, there are multiple local businesses sponsoring the event through financial gifts or donations of food or beverages.  Their contributions offset the cost of the event so that more money is earned for ASA’s mission. Thank you all!  

Even if you do not have photoshoot tickets for October 20th, we invite you to come out and be a part of the event.  Come celebrate family with us. All are welcome! (Maybe Fall will join us there as well?!?)

Hope to see you there,  Erin Nasmyth, LCSW

ASA Executive Director

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